Our Process

We don't take shortcuts.

Tequila Fortaleza is made the way tequila was made 150 years ago. Our use of old-world machinery and processes creates a very unique tequila experience.

As if stepping into a time machine, Fortaleza shows you what tequila tasted like before processes were sped up in the name of “efficiency.” We take our time, produce only in small batches, and are proud of what we do.

Take a look at our process below, by selecting a tab for each step. You won’t see anything fancy and high-tech – and that’s just the way we like it.

Our Process, Step-by-step


Our agaves come from the heartland of tequila, known as Tequila Valley, in Jalisco, Mexico. We allow them to grow and mature for at least 8 years before they are harvested.

The agave that grows around our distillery are very sweet and mineral-rich, and have a lot to do with the signature aromas and flavors inside of Fortaleza tequila.

These mature agave plants can grow to be very large. On average, each plant can produce about 8 or 9 bottles of tequila.

It takes a specially trained “jimador” to harvest these giant blue agave plants, with their dangerously sharp points, it can cause injury if you’re not careful.